如果您正在寻找 Deep House / Tech House 流派中最优质的俱乐部声音,那么您来对地方了。我们最好的 EDM 制作人之一特别为您创造了 8 个完美的声音构造套件,直接来自最知名的俱乐部舞池。您将在这里找到超过 800 Mb、104 个循环(8 个构造套件),带有板载根键和速度(125 和 126 BPM)。您可能从最伟大的明星那里听到的声音:Booka Shade、Maya Jane Coles、Alex Niggemann 或 Kerri Chandler 现在触手可及!
If You are looking for the best quality club sounds in the Deep House / Tech House genres, You are in the right place. Specially for You one of our best EDM producers created 8 perfectly sounding construction kits with great vibe straight from the most well known club dance floors. You will find here over 800 Mb, 104 loops (8 construction kits) with root key and tempo (125 and 126 BPM) on board. Sounds that You may know from the greatest stars like: Booka Shade, Maya Jane Coles, Alex Niggemann or Kerri Chandler are now at Your fingertips!