Deep Percussion WAV

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Deep Percussion 涵盖了构成任何一首好歌曲的主干的声音选择,从 Claps & Snar […]



Deep Percussion 涵盖了构成任何一首好歌曲的主干的声音选择,从 Claps & Snares 到您的低音鼓,再到一些最浓郁和温暖的打击乐样本。充满了新奇的邦戈鼓、嗵鼓和鼓圈,从几乎自然到更加混合的打击乐。这个包为你提供了一个可靠的选择来建立你的凹槽。这些都是按照我们通常的高标准制作的,从模拟域中获取声音,并通过高端外置设备对其进行处理,然后再将它们编辑到完美状态,以便它们在您的作品中做好准备。每个样本有两种色调变化,为您提供最重要的选择。将最好的硬件捕捉到的 3D 声音放在我们的列表中是最重要的,因为这可以直接转化为更好的混音。我们花了很多时间微调这个集合,你会发现很多你认识的声音,但它们的声音的形状、空气和深度是你在样本中很少听到的。包括什么? 262 个 24 位 96000hz 样本
2 种音调变化——原始和 RVX
Deep Percussion covers a selection of the sounds that make up the backbone of any good song, from Claps & Snares to work with your Bass drum, to some of the most full bodied and warm percussive samples around. Chocked full of novel sounding Bongos, toms, and rims, from almost natural to more hybrid sounding percussion. This pack gives you a solid selection on which to build your groove. These have been produced to our usual high standards, sourcing the sounds from the analogue domain and working them through high end outboard gear before editing them to perfection so they sit ready in your productions. There are two tonal variations of each sample, offering you a choice where it matters most. Capturing that 3D sound you get from the best hardware was top on our list when putting this together because that translates straight into better mixes.

We spent a lot of time fine tuning this collection, you will find a lot of sounds you recognize but with a shape, air and depth about their sound you rarely hear in samples.

What’s included ?

262 24bit 96000hz samples
2 Tonal Variations – Original & RVX
