Deep Tech and Melodic Sounds WAV MiDi

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丰富您的旋律乐句,包含大量有弹性的、冒泡的贝斯线、浓郁的和弦序列、富有表现力的合成器、海洋垫、充满活力的节拍。 […]



丰富您的旋律乐句,包含大量有弹性的、冒泡的贝斯线、浓郁的和弦序列、富有表现力的合成器、海洋垫、充满活力的节拍。受 Anjuna Deep 的启发,“Deep Tech & Melodic Sounds”利用四个关键的模拟合成器:Moog Voyager 、DSI Poly Evolver、DSI Prophet 6 和 Elektron Analog 4。所有鼓和 打击乐声音也通过各种外置模拟设备传递,帮助您加厚音轨并为您的作品添加一定的声音深度。
Enrich your melodic phrases with this vast collection of bouncy, bubbling basslines, full-bodied chord sequences, expressive synths, oceanic pads, energised beats.Inspired by Anjuna Deep, ‘Deep Tech & Melodic Sounds’ utilises four key analogue synths: the Moog Voyager, DSI Poly Evolver, DSI Prophet 6 and the Elektron Analog 4. All drums and  percussion sounds have also been passed through various outboard analogue gear helping you to thicken your tracks and add a certain sonic depth to your production.
