Kobana Deep House Essentials Vol.1 WAV

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这个包包含一系列鼓舞人心的鼓循环、鼓/FX one shot 以及相关的合成器/旋律循环,旨在让您的创意源源不 […]



这个包包含一系列鼓舞人心的鼓循环、鼓/FX one shot 以及相关的合成器/旋律循环,旨在让您的创意源源不断。如果您喜欢 Kobana、Disclosure、Solomon、Dusky、Pleasurekraft 等制作人的深沉、技术友好的影响声音,那么这个样本包是您工作室武器库中必不可少的一部分。我们保证这个样本库将成为每个工作室会议的基础。所有文件都整齐地组织到自己独特的子文件夹中,并且所有文件都已命名和编号,因此您可以在创意工作室会议期间快速找到它们。所有样本都包含 BPM(每分钟节拍数)信息。
This pack contains a fresh collection of inspirational drum loops, drum/FX one shots and associated synth/melodic loops that are designed to get your creative juices flowing. If you are after the deep, tech friendly infulenced sound of producers like Kobana, Disclosure, Solomon, Dusky, Pleasurekraft and alike, this sample pack is a must have part of your studio arsenal. We guarantee this sample library will become the foundation of every studio session. All files are neatly organised into their own unique sub folders, and all files are named and numbered so you can find them quickly during those creative studio sessions. All samples contain BPM (Beats per Minute) information.

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