“Lagoon”就像一组优雅的蜡笔,随时准备为您的声波画布注入鲜艳的色彩。清脆而圆润,是 IDM、Chillout、Downtempo 或任何 110 至 120 BPM 的完美系列。这个包会让人联想到海边宁静的微光黄昏,成群的昏昏欲睡的暴风云庄严地扫过山顶,所有这些都闪现到抽象形状和曲线的数字领域,随着你夏日田园诗的平静节拍而充满活力地脉动。 所以继续尝试用这些罕见的异国魔法声音制作自己的清淡清爽的音乐鸡尾酒。
‘Lagoon’ is like an elegant set of crayons ready to breathe vivid colours into your sonic canvas. Crisp and mellow, it’s a perfect collection for IDM, Chillout, Downtempo, or anything circling around 110 to 120 BPM. This pack will induce visions of a serene shimmering dusk by the seaside with hordes of drowsy storm clouds sweeping majestically over the mountain tops, all glitching out into the digital realms of abstract shapes & curves, vibrantly pulsating to the placid beats of your summer idyll. So go ahead and try your hand at making your own light & refreshing musical cocktail with these rare exotic magesy sounds.