Massive Deep House and Bass for MASSiVE

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从英国车库、deep house 和 bass 中汲取灵感,我们向您展示了一组令人惊叹的 NI Massive […]



从英国车库、deep house 和 bass 中汲取灵感,我们向您展示了一组令人惊叹的 NI Massive 合成器预设/补丁,充满了 lofi 风琴、deep rhodes 风格 Loop、失谐和弦 stab、丰富的模拟 esk pad 和饱和复音合成器。每个预设声音都经过精心制作,并带有完整的完整宏控件,可轻松进行声音操作。风格范围从圆润和 lofi 到前期,圆润的低音在目前许多流行的俱乐部大头钉中听到……
Drawing inspiration from UK garage, deep house and bass, we present to you a stunning collection of presets/patches for NI Massive synth, packed full of lofi organs, deep rhodes style loops, detuned chord stabs, lush analogue-esk pads and saturated poly synths. Each preset sound has been crafted with meticulous attention to detail, and comes complete full Macro controls for easy sound manipulation. Styles range from the mellow and lofi to the upfront, rounded bass sounds heard in a lot of popular club tacks at the moment…
