Organic Deep Textures WAV REX

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“Organic Deep Textures”是一个不断发展的声音之旅,可以设置场景并照亮音乐的大气氛围。准备 […]



“Organic Deep Textures”是一个不断发展的声音之旅,可以设置场景并照亮音乐的大气氛围。准备进入合成声音的另一个维度,所有内容 100% 免版税,为您的音乐作品做好准备。 “Organic Deep Textures”具有高达 3.47 GB 的循环、单次和采样器补丁,包含深沉的和弦、郁郁葱葱的垫子和碰撞鼓,为您的律动添加纹理、深度和情感。总共包含 491 个循环,带有扭曲和效果的合成音景和不断变化的旋律乐句。明亮和黑暗的背景纹理旨在补充多种音乐类型的曲目,按它们产生的情感分类。
‘Organic Deep Textures’ an evolving journey of sound to set the scene and illuminate the atmospheric mood of your music. Prepare to enter another dimension of synthesised sound, with all content 100% Royalty-Free and ready for your musical productions. ‘Organic Deep Textures’ features a whopping 3.47 GB of loops, one-shots and sampler patches, packed with deep chords, lush pads and bumping drums to add texture, depth and emotion to your groove. In total, 491 loops are included with twisted & effected synth soundscapes and evolving melodic phrases. Bright and dark background textures are targeted at complementing tracks of multiple music genres, categorised by the emotion they generate.
