Remnant Deep Ambient Loops WAV MiDi-DiSCOVER

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地平线上的一个光点开始变大,越来越亮,直到几乎令人眼花缭乱——空旷的天空充满了它的强度,就像遥远的记忆覆盖着你 […]



地平线上的一个光点开始变大,越来越亮,直到几乎令人眼花缭乱——空旷的天空充满了它的强度,就像遥远的记忆覆盖着你周围的每一个物体,闪烁着闪烁的光碎片。这是我们最新的免版税样品包,权威的<b>Remnant</b> – <b>Deep Ambient Loops</b> 所营造出的柔和、空灵和光线浸透的场景!令人着迷的纹理、若隐若现的和声、低沉的贝斯和令??人毛骨悚然的鼓——这个包让您可以立即访问细节丰富、平衡良好且令人回味无穷的声音世界,以 344 个音乐循环、鼓样本和 MIDI 文件的形式。
A point of light on the horizon begins to grow, glowing ever more brightly until it is almost blinding – the empty sky fills with its intensity, like a distant memory coating every object around you in flickering, glittering shards of light. This is the soft, ethereal and light-soaked scene conjured by our latest royalty-free sample pack, the magisterial RemnantDeep Ambient Loops! Mesmerising textures, looming harmonies, subterranean bass and glitchy drums – this pack gives you instant access to richly detailed, finely balanced and powerfully evocative worlds of sound, in the form of 344 music loops, drum samples and MIDI files.
