罗马深科技。受到 Cristi Cons、Priku、Arapu、Andrea Pushkarev、Petre insprerocu 等艺术家的启发!这个紧凑的库包含您将在 Sunwaves 听到的声音以及罗马尼亚 Minimal 场景中最热门的 DJ 和制作人。提供高品质独特的 stabs、trippy 合成器、模拟鼓和坚韧的纹理。对于任何正在寻找最热门声音的制作人来说,这是必须购买的……Rominimal 声音!
Rominimal Deep Tech. Inspired by artists such as Cristi Cons, Priku, Arapu, Andrea Pushkarev, Petre insprerocu & More! This compact library contains the sounds you will hear at Sunwaves & the hottest DJs & Producers in the Romanian Minimal scene. Delivered with high-quality unique stabs, trippy synths, analog drums & gritty textures. This is a must-buy for any producer looking for the hottest sound right now…the Rominimal sound!