令人难以置信的丰富的 Deep House 鼓循环和清脆地道的鼓声“Sexy Deep House Drums”具有您可能需要的所有温暖和个性。包中的每个鼓环都平衡了复古风格和创意模式,并提供各种选项,包括完整节拍、无底鼓、脱底有底鼓和脱底无底鼓。每个循环中只有正确的频率响应、准确的摆动量、真实的深屋鼓声音和前瞻性思维模式的完美平衡,以提供新的、令人兴奋的和新鲜的东西,使这个样本包脱颖而出。最重要的是,我们提供了一系列新的原始和彻头彻尾的性感鼓声来完成声音包。 Sexy Deep House Drums 中的所有鼓声和鼓声都是 100% 免版税的。
An incredible collection lush Deep House drum loops and crisp authentic drum sounds ‘Sexy Deep House Drums’ has all the warmth and character you could possibly need. Each drum loop within the pack balances retro flair with creative patterns, and is supplied in various options including full beat, without kick, stripped down with kick and stripped down without kick. With just the right frequency response in each loop, the exact amount of swing, the perfect balance of authentic deep house drum sounds and forward thinking patterns to deliver something new, exciting and fresh makes this sample pack that cut above the rest. On top of that we’ve supplied a new array of pristine and downright sexy drum sounds to complete the sound pack. All the drum sounds and drum beats within Sexy Deep House Drums are 100% royalty free.