Soulful Beats Deep Vibes WAV-FANTASTiC

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“Soulful Beats: Deep Vibes” Prostart Production 很高兴向您展示 […]



“Soulful Beats: Deep Vibes” Prostart Production 很高兴向您展示“Soulful Beats”系列的第一包,旨在激发您的灵感并为您的制作带来新的想法。在这个包中,你会发现充满大气和神秘的和声,结合强大的底鼓和 808 可以产生真正令人印象深刻的效果。这个包包括鼓循环、电吉他、钢琴、合成器和多汁的贝斯声音。
“Soulful Beats: Deep Vibes” Prostart Production are pleased to present you the first pack of the “Soulful Beats” line, which aims to inspire you and bring new ideas to your production. In this pack you will find the harmonies that are full of atmospheric and a kind of mysterious sound, which in combination with punchy kick and 808 could give truly impressive results. This pack consists of drum loops, electric guitars, piano, synth and juicy bass sounds.
