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Sunset Deep and Vocals Vol.5 WAV MiDi-TZ Group

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“Sunset Deep Vol 5”是一个样本包,其中包含用于创建 House、Deep House 和 T […]



“Sunset Deep Vol 5”是一个样本包,其中包含用于创建 House、Deep House 和 Tropical House 的令人惊叹的旋律构建工具包和人声剪辑。这些套件有 WAV 和 MIDI 格式。有了这个包,您就有了一种创建自己的热门歌曲的简单方法。您可以肯定,此示例包将以最佳方式简化创建您自己的即将流行的过程。每个套件都随 BPM 一起提供。该包包括您可以在演示中听到的所有部分,包括 WAV 和 MIDI 格式。您将获得四个带有人声剪辑的构建套件。
‘Sunset Deep Vol 5’ is a sample pack that contains amazing melodic Construction Kits with vocal cuts for creating House, Deep House and Tropical House. The Kits are available in WAV and MIDI formats. With this pack you have a simple way to create your own hit. You can be sure that this sample pack will simplify the process of creating your own soon-to-be-hit, and in an optimal way. Each Kit is provided with the BPM. The pack includes all the parts that you can hear in the demo, both in WAV and MIDI formats. You will get four Construction Kits with vocal cuts.
