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“Waves”为您带来了制作具有独特大气风格的 Grime 曲调的工具。使用此示例包,您将探索 Grime 的 […]



“Waves”为您带来了制作具有独特大气风格的 Grime 曲调的工具。使用此示例包,您将探索 Grime 的隐藏深度,以及一些邻近的地下低音音乐流派,如 Wave、Dubstep、Future Garage 和 Deep Trap。让自己远离在 Grime 中经常躲避的废弃的深蹲和破旧的贫民窟街区。这个包中的能量具有超凡脱俗的性质,并且充满了您通常在晚上在这些区域看不到的颜色。准备好在大气的深渊中畅游,沉重的低音线被包裹在神秘的气氛中,并穿插着不祥的合成琶音。所有这一切都建立在一个坚固的节奏部分上,带有肥大和时髦的打击乐和无情的正面底鼓和军鼓组成了一个真正独特的工作室,旨在突破您的制作极限,并在工作时丰富您的音色调色板带有更黑暗和更时髦的低音音乐区域。
‘Waves’ brings you the tools for making Grime tunes with a distinct atmospheric twist. Using this sample pack you’ll get to explore the hidden depths of Grime, as well as some neighbouring underground bass music genres such as Wave, Dubstep, Future Garage and Deep Trap. Allow yourself to get away from the abandoned squats and rundown ghetto blocks often eluded to in Grime. The energy in this pack is of an otherworldly nature, and it is filled with colours you don’t usually see in those areas at night. Prepare for a long swim through an atmospheric abyss, where currents of heavy basslines are wrapped into enigmatic atmospheres and interspersed with foreboding synthetic arpeggios. All of that rested upon a sturdy rhythmic section with fat & groovy percussion and relentless in-your-face kicks & snares makes up a truly unique workshop that’s meant to push the limits of your production, as well as to enrich your sonic palette when working with darker & groovier areas of bass music.
