ANA 2 预设包呢。 ANA 2 预设卷。 7 – Synthwave 专注于重现模拟经典的灵魂,如 Roland Juno 106 / Jupiter 8 / JX8p、Minimoog、Korg Poly 6 和现代模拟合成器(如 DSI OB6 和 Model D)。除了这些经典声音,我们还创造了一个巨大的范围现代郁郁葱葱的垫子、phat bass 和史诗般的主音,涵盖了合成波制作人需要的每一种声音。这感觉就像 ANA 2 设计的包,对于任何想要踏上复古合成器天堂之旅的艺术家来说都是必备品。
ANA 2 preset pack yet. ANA 2 Presets Vol. 7 – Synthwave focuses on recreating the soul of analog classics like The Roland Juno 106 / Jupiter 8 / JX8p, Minimoog, Korg Poly 6 and modern analogs synths like the DSI OB6 and Model D. Alongside these classics sounds we’ve created a huge range of modern lush pads, phat basses and epic leads, covering every sound a synthwave producer will need. This feels like the pack ANA 2 was designed for, a must have for any artist looking to take the journey to retro synth heaven.