Future Bass For ANA’ 是未来贝斯、Trap 和 Chillout 声音的完美、期待已久的融合,触手可及。这个必备的音色集充满了美妙的合成器预设、甜美的主音、温暖的贝司、弹拨和受真实乐器启发的声音。这是一个完整的稀有和令人愉快的声音库,将把您的制作提升到一个全新的水平。此包保证为您提供完全最新的最高质量补丁!这是改变游戏规则的音效。它带来了您开始制作一流的 Future Bass 曲目所需的预设。它的灵感来自 Flume、The Chainsmokers、Louis The Child 等等。多种声音为您提供了无限的机会来创建自己的标志性声音!
Future Bass For ANA’ is a perfect, long-awaited fusion of Future Bass, Trap & Chillout sounds at your finger tips. This must-have soundset is full of wonderful synth presets, luscious leads, warm basses, plucks and sounds that are inspired by real instruments. It’s a complete arsenal of rare and pleasant sounds that will take your production to a whole new level. This pack is guaranteed to give you the highest quality patches that are totally up-to-date! This is the game-changing soundset. It brings presets that you need to start making top-notch Future Bass tracks. It is inspired by Flume, The Chainsmokers, Louis The Child and many more. A variety of sounds provides you with endless opportunities to create your own signature sound!