在电子音乐的世界里,我们经常听到制作人谈论一段音乐的“节奏”或“节奏”,尤其是在鼓和打击乐的排序方面。如果您曾尝试从静态样本中对振动筛或手鼓线进行测序,您就会知道获得“人的感觉”可能很困难。制作人通常会将排序的鼓点与录制的现场打击乐混合并分层,以创建具有更多节奏、生命和能量的“人声”鼓轨……非洲拉丁打击乐第 1 卷提供了令人印象深刻的声学打击乐循环和有机节奏合集,非常适合与现有的一次性鼓点叠加或构建打击乐合奏,为您的鼓音轨增添刺激和节奏感。
In the world of electronic music we often hear producers talk about the ‘groove’ or ‘rhythm’ of a piece of music, especially when it comes to sequencing drums and percussion. If you have ever tried to sequence a shaker or tambourine line from static samples you will know that getting that ‘human feel’ can be difficult. Producers will often mix and layer sequenced drum hits with recorded live percussion to create ‘human-sounding’ drum tracks with more groove, life and energy… Afro-Latin percussion Volume 1 offers an impressive collection of acoustic percussion loops and organic rhythms, perfect for layering with existing one-shot drum hits or building percussive ensembles to add excitement and rhythm to your drum tracks.