正宗的非洲-拉丁打击乐合奏、强大的部落节奏、富有表现力的填充和复杂的独奏打击乐表演……非洲-拉丁打击乐第 2 卷提供了令人兴奋的原声打击乐循环、鼓点和混合打击乐合奏,非常适合为前奏增添兴奋和活力。编程的鼓音轨或与一次性鼓叠加以创建独特的有机打击乐律动。虽然第 1 卷侧重于“轻”打击乐器,但第 2 卷侧重于“鼓重”非洲-加勒比和拉丁美洲打击乐器,包括:多种康加鼓、昆托鼓和通巴鼓、非洲鼓、邦戈、卡洪、迷你鼓和鼓。
Authentic Afro-Latin percussion ensembles, powerful tribal rhythms, expressive fills and intricate solo percussion performances… Afro-Latin percussion Volume 2 offers an exciting collection of acoustic percussion loops, drum hits and mixed percussive ensembles, perfect for adding excitement and energy to pre-programmed drum tracks or layering with one-shot drums to create unique and organic percussion grooves. Whilst Volume 1 focused on ‘light’ percussion instruments, Volume 2 focuses on ‘drum heavy’ Afro- Caribbean and Latin American percussion instruments including; multiple congas, quinto and tumba drums, djembe, bongos, cajon, mini-timbales and timbales.