在 80 年代初期的欧洲,一场新的艺术家运动将后朋克美学转变为序列节拍和合成声音。电子人体音乐就是结果——大力推动工业声音、机械合成循环和无情的实验主义。 BODY MECHANIK 探索 EBM 的发展,从早期的新浪潮化身到过去几年点燃欧洲最神圣舞池的那种主厅工业技术。期待采样的凹槽盒和工业套件、失真的低音、刺穿的合成器刺和金属 FX 套件,以进行无情的声音探索。
In early 80s Europe, a new movement of artists turned post-punk aesthetics to sequenced beats and synthesized sounds. Electronic Body Music was the result – pushing hard, industrial sounds, mechanical synth loops, and relentless experimentalism. BODY MECHANIK explores the development of EBM from its early new wave incarnations to the kind of main-room industrial techno that has ignited Europe’s most hallowed dancefloors over the last few years. Expect sampled grooveboxes and industrial kits, distorted bass, punctured synth stabs, and metallic FX kits for relentless sonic exploration.