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在后工业城市的生锈、腐烂和腐烂中,出现了一种新的技术——动荡和野性。摇晃着英国各地仓库的墙壁,它的灵感来自于 […]



在后工业城市的生锈、腐烂和腐烂中,出现了一种新的技术——动荡和野性。摇晃着英国各地仓库的墙壁,它的灵感来自于 70 年代后朋克和工业的铿锵声,以及锐舞和硬核文化中更硬朗的元素。 CARBON DECAY 毫不妥协地将破碎的原始节奏与细致的声音设计融合在一起——这是 Blawan、Surgeon、Karenn 和 British Murder Boys 等艺术家开创的美学。 <strong>CRAFTED Chaos </strong>CARBON DECAY 伴随着猛烈的踢腿声、打碎的踩镲和带刺的节奏声而爆发 – 包含在 BATTERY 和 MASCHINE 的套件中。专为 MASSIVE 和 MONARK 设计的合成器预设为您提供模拟风格的贝司、外星人的 stabs 以及用于创建原始 techno 凹槽的移动有机纹理。使用一些最受推崇的模拟合成器和鼓机创建的循环被压到乙烯基上作为锁定凹槽,并仔细采样以获得深度真实的声音。
Amid the rust, rot, and decay of post-industrial cities emerges a new strain of techno – turbulent, and untamed. Shaking the walls of warehouses across the UK, its inspiration can be found in the clang of 70s post-punk and industrial, as well as in the tougher elements of rave and hardcore culture. Uncompromising to the end, CARBON DECAY fuses broken, primitive rhythms with meticulous sound design – an aesthetic pioneered by artists such as Blawan, Surgeon, Karenn, and the British Murder Boys. CRAFTED CHAOS CARBON DECAY bursts with pummelling kicks, shattered hi hats, and barbed rhythmic sounds – packed into kits for BATTERY and MASCHINE. Expertly designed synth presets for MASSIVE and MONARK give you analog-style basses, alien stabs, and shifting, organic textures for creating primal techno grooves. Loops created using some of the most revered analog synths and drum machines were pressed to vinyl as locked grooves and carefully sampled for a deeply authentic sound.
