CAVERN FLOOR 是声音设计爱好者的乐园。对当今最好的鼓机进行了采样,并与强劲的原声鼓和打击乐分层。传奇的合成器用于旋律内容。这些声音通过旋转扬声器、吉他箱等使用顶级麦克风重新放大,然后使用精选的外置设备和最新的声音设计技术进行处理,从而产生定制声音的有效载荷。
CAVERN FLOOR is a sound design lover’s playground. A selection of today’s finest drum machines were sampled and layered with hard-hitting acoustic drums and percussion. Legendary synthesizers were used for the melodic content. These sounds were re-amped through rotary speakers, guitar cabinets, and more using top-quality microphones, and then processed with select outboard gear and up-to-the-minute sound design techniques, resulting in a payload of custom sound.