Circuit Malfunction 包含 1153 个单发鼓、打击乐和效果样本,由大型模拟模块化合成器和各种电路弯曲齿轮创建。声音在 Battery Kits、EXS24、Kontakt 和 NN-XT 采样器乐器中呈现。这是 Samplephonics 的第一个单发鼓库,我们一直渴望推出一段时间!所有样本都是在声音设计师和电子音乐家 Ignatius 的工作室中创建的,并经过精心编辑,以提供极其有用且多样化的 24 位 wav 鼓样本、打击乐声音和一次性 FX 选择。
Circuit Malfunction contains 1153 one shot drum, percussion and effect samples created from a large analogue modular synthesizer and various pieces of circuit bent gear. The sounds are presented in Battery Kits, EXS24, Kontakt and NN-XT sampler instruments.This is the first one shot drums library from Samplephonics, and one we’ve been itching to get out for some time! All the samples have been created in the studio of sound designer and electronic musician Ignatius and painstakingly edited to provide an extremely useful and diverse selection of 24 Bit wav drum samples, percussive sounds and one shot FX.