后丛林万花筒般的标志性休息、空旷的打击垫和清脆的军鼓。 DECODED Forms 伴随着颠覆性的低音和清脆的鼓声。其核心是 70 年代的四个标志性鼓点,因其上下文的多功能性而被选中。每一个都经过精心录制,以捕捉原版的风味和声音特征。在用即兴的乐句扩展循环之后,创建了套件,每个声音都被解构、剖析并分解成混合搭配的片段。此外,宽敞的垫子和温暖的和弦赋予扩展郁郁葱葱的大气质感。
A post-jungle kaleidoscope of iconic breaks, spacey pads, and crisp snares. DECODED FORMS blazes with disruptive bass and crisp drums. At its core are four iconic drum breaks from the 70s, chosen for their contextual versatility. Each one was meticulously recorded to capture the flavor and sonic character of the original. After extending the loops with improvised phrases, kits were created with each sound deconstructed, dissected, and dismantled into mix-and-match pieces. Additionally, spacey pads and warm chords give the expansion lush, atmospheric texture.