拿起你的指南针,指向电子音乐的北极一侧。 POLAR FLARE 与自然世界和谐共处,捕捉了从加拿大董事会到 Caribou、Bonobo、Four Tet 等众多艺术家听到的有机、超凡脱俗的声音。 POLAR FLARE 拥有金属铿锵声、森林噼啪声、大气合成器、梦幻人声等等,是您创造声音白日梦的万花筒调色板。
Grab your compass and orient to the Arctic side of electronica. Created in harmony with the natural world, POLAR FLARE captures an organic, otherworldly sound heard in a broad range of artists from Boards of Canada, to Caribou, Bonobo, Four Tet, and beyond. With metallic clangs, forest crackles, atmospheric synths, dreamy vocals, and more, POLAR FLARE is your kaleidoscopic palette of sound for creating sonic daydreams.