PULSWERK 通过前卫、精确的凹槽和定制的构造工具集,提供当代最小 techno 和 house 的深沉、干净、重击的强度,与最精致的电子音乐风格的凉爽、优美的声音一起踢。使用丰富的调整和路由选项为您的音轨添加排序的、速度同步的效果,并使用 MASSIVE 预设为您的创作带来额外的震撼。为主楼层做好准备——这就是 PULSWERK。
PULSWERK delivers the deep, clean, pounding intensity of contemporary minimal techno and house with edgy, precise grooves and a custom construction toolset that kicks with the cool, polished sound of electronic music’s most refined styles. Add sequenced, tempo-synced effects to your tracks with a wealth of tweaking and routing options, and use MASSIVE presets to bring an extra touch of thunder to your creations. Get ready for the main floor – this is PULSWERK.