Action! EZX v1.0.1 WiN MAC

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Action EZX 融合了管弦乐打击乐、音效、定制拟音和经典鼓机声音,设计用于任何允许节拍、凹槽和音调超越传 […]



Action EZX 融合了管弦乐打击乐、音效、定制拟音和经典鼓机声音,设计用于任何允许节拍、凹槽和音调超越传统限制的创作环境。除了定音鼓、弹鼓和定音鼓等经典管弦乐器外,它还可以捕捉独一无二的拟音、立管、拍手、按扣、水滴和前所未有的分层声音纹理——所有这些都直观地混合、混合、匹配和饱和在创意混合套件中具有各种效果。总而言之,超过 450 种单独的打击乐声音被呈现并用于包含的超过 21 种可混音套件配置中。这是环境音景、创意声音设计和任何尖端音乐制作的完美打击乐蒙太奇 – 一个开放的声音景观,让您坐在导演的椅子上,拥有看似无穷无尽的声音景深,让您能够创造几乎任何打击乐主题你可以想象。欢迎在虚构与现实、经典与现代、有机与电子之间的无缝融合中释放您的创意自我。
The Action EZX presents a fusion of orchestral percussion, sound effects, custom foley and classic drum machine sounds, designed for use in any creative context where beat, groove and tone are allowed to transcend the traditional confines. In addition to classic orchestral instruments like timpani, tamtam and timbale, it also captures one-of-a-kind foley, risers, claps, snaps, drops and layered textures of sound never before heard – all intuitively blended, mixed, matched and saturated with various effects in creative hybrid kits. All in all, in excess of 450 individual percussive sounds are presented and used in the more than 21 mix-ready kit configurations included. This is the perfect percussive montage for ambient soundscapes, creative sound design and any cutting-edge music production – an open landscape of sound, putting you in the director’s chair with a seemingly endless sonic depth of field, enabling you to create literally any percussive motif you can imagine. Welcome to let loose your creative self in a seamless dissolve between fiction and reality, classic and modern, organic and electronic.
