Adult Oriented Rock A.O.R EZkeys MiDi

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经典摇滚歌曲,具有创造性的和弦、曲折、转折——以及额外的复杂性。以音乐实力、歌曲创作和大型、丰富的作品为最大特 […]



经典摇滚歌曲,具有创造性的和弦、曲折、转折——以及额外的复杂性。以音乐实力、歌曲创作和大型、丰富的作品为最大特点,乐队和艺术家如 The Doobie Brothers、David Foster、Stely Dan 和 Toto作为更喧闹的经典摇滚场景的替代品,它在国际上声名鹊起。分压器 AOR(Adult Oriented Rock)是较早创造的,但在 70 年代末和 80 年代初很突出,AOR 的圆滑、人声驱动的声音在世界各地的排行榜上名列前茅。很多时候,钢琴或键盘在任何作曲中都扮演着举足轻重的角色。
Classic rock songs with creative chord-runs, twists, turns – and an extra ounce of sophistication.With musical prowess, songwriting and big, lush productions as its biggest traits, bands and artists like The Doobie Brothers, David Foster, Steely Dan and Toto rose to international fame as an alternative to the more rowdy, classic rock scene. The divider AOR (Adult Oriented Rock) was coined earlier, but prominently in the late ’70s and early ’80s, the slick, vocal-driven sound of AOR topped the charts around the world. Very often, the piano or keyboard played a pivotal part in any composition.
