Basic Rock Fills MIDI 是 Basic Rock MIDI 的后续版本,完全专注于你永远无法获得足够的一件事:填充。在你的歌曲中突出、华丽或平滑过渡的小曲折——让你的音乐提升和超越的点点滴滴。 <i>“我有时会发现鼓手把事情过于复杂化,把他们的填充过分夸张。我不是一个复杂的鼓手,也从未渴望成为。我不想妨碍这首歌,只要让它升到它真正需要的地方,然后在两者之间加以利用”,鼓手 Martin Kristoffersson 说。 </i>适用于 <i>EZdrummer、EZdrummer 2、Superior Drummer 2(针对 1 个底鼓、1 个军鼓、2 个嗵鼓、1 个地嗵鼓、2 个镲片、1 个骑乘镲片)。</i>
Basic Rock Fills MIDI is a follow-up to Basic Rock MIDI and focuses entirely on the one thing you can never get enough of: fills. The little twists and turns that accentuate, ornate or make for smooth transitions in your songs – the bits and pieces that make your music elevate and transcend. “I sometimes find that drummers over-complicate things and dramatize their fills too much. I am not a complicated drummer and never aspired to be. I don’t want to get in the way of the song, just make it lift off where it truly needs to and harness it in between”, says drummer Martin Kristoffersson. Works with EZdrummer, EZdrummer 2, Superior Drummer 2 (optimized for 1 kick, 1 snare, 2 toms, 1 floor tom, 2 crash cymbals, 1 ride cymbal).