Big Band EZkeys MiDi WiN MAC

20009 浏览

在大乐队的土地上,摇摆是王道。而这个 EZkeys MIDI 集合有很多东西可以使用。喇叭可能是传统大乐队编曲 […]



在大乐队的土地上,摇摆是王道。而这个 EZkeys MIDI 集合有很多东西可以使用。喇叭可能是传统大乐队编曲中经常忙碌的声音景观中最容易识别的成分,但旋律节奏部分的无名英雄无疑是钢琴。这个 EZkeys MIDI 包的灵感来自于 Count Basie、Nat King Cole、Duke Ellington 以及许多其他演奏家和乐队领导者留下的永恒音乐遗产,他们将钢琴作为大乐队格式中不容置疑的组成部分而永垂不朽。从八度音阶顶部微妙的开放和弦的脆弱泛音到低音范围内打击乐模式的雷鸣般的冲击力,钢琴的声音与众不同。它实际上涵盖了整个动态和表现力的范围——旋律、和声和节奏。这个 EZkeys MIDI 合集旨在做到这一点:为您提供广泛的受大乐队启发的歌曲结构调色板,涵盖所有适用的节奏、感觉和风格。特色聚焦:
– 受传统大乐队音乐启发的钢琴 MIDI
– 由专业会话演奏者执行
– 3/4 和 4/4 的直线和/或摇摆感觉,节奏范围从大约110 BPM 至 236 BPM
– 分为 A、B、C 和“结局”部分
In big band land, swing is king. And this collection of EZkeys MIDI has plenty of it to go around. The horns may be the most easily identifiable ingredient in the often busy sonic landscape of a traditional big band arrangement, but the unsung hero of the melodic rhythm section is undoubtedly the piano. This EZkeys MIDI pack was inspired by the timeless musical legacy left by the likes of Count Basie, Nat King Cole, Duke Ellington and the many other players and band leaders who immortalized the piano as an unquestionable component in the big band format. From the frail harmonics of a subtly struck open chord at the top of the octaves to the thunderous impact of a percussive pattern at the low bass range, the piano has a voice like no other. It literally covers the entire dynamic and expressive scope – melody, harmony and rhythm. This collection of EZkeys MIDI sets out to do just that: give you a broad palette of big band-inspired song structures across all tempos, feels and styles that apply.

– Piano MIDI inspired by traditional big band music
– Performed by professional session player
– 3/4 and 4/4 in straight and/or swing feel with tempos ranging from approx. 110 BPM to 236 BPM
– Categorized in A, B, C and ‘Endings’ sections
