当代融合了乡村和流行钢琴演奏风格。早在 1970 年代,艺术家就开始偏离传统的乡村模式,在歌曲创作、乐器和制作方面都融入了流行音乐的明显元素。事实证明,它在吸引核心人群之外的新受众方面取得了巨大成功。直到今天,Taylor Swift、Keith Urban、Lady Antebellum 和其他许多人都在不断挑战国家的现状和未来的界限。 这个 EZkeys MIDI 合集提供了广泛的演奏风格选择,灵感来自当代乡村流行音乐,其中钢琴起着主导作用。期待永恒的乡村元素与朗朗上口的流行乐句、史诗般的曲调和大旋律融合在一起。对于希望在下一批歌曲中注入一些商业乡村风格的现代摇滚或流行音乐作家来说,这是 EZkeys MIDI 的完美合集。动笔!
A contemporary fusion of country and pop playing styles for piano. Already back in the 1970s, artists started deviating from the traditional country mold by incorporating obvious elements of pop music, both in terms of songwriting, instrumentation and production. It proved hugely successful in reaching new audiences outside the core demographic. Still to this day, chart-topping stars like Taylor Swift, Keith Urban, Lady Antebellum and many others keep pushing the boundaries of what country is and can be. This collection of EZkeys MIDI comes with a broad selection of playing styles inspired by contemporary country pop where the piano plays a leading role. Expect timeless country elements fused with catchy pop phrasing, epic hooks and big melodies. This is the perfect collection of EZkeys MIDI for writers of modern rock or pop looking to infuse some commercial country flair in their next batch of songs. Start writing!