Indie Pop EZkeys MiDi

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从 1970 年代后期充满后朋克的伦敦,到 80 年代的合成器时代,1990 年代英伦流行音乐的爆发,再到今天 […]



从 1970 年代后期充满后朋克的伦敦,到 80 年代的合成器时代,1990 年代英伦流行音乐的爆发,再到今天的无数变化——独立流行音乐席卷了几十年,并吸走了它沿途发现的每一个零零碎碎的东西.受到每个时代一些主要艺术家的启发,这个 EZkeys MIDI 合集采取了同样的路线,并在另一端推出了一套涉及流行、摇滚、灵魂、合成器和迷幻的多功能歌曲基础。动笔!
From a post-punk soaked late 1970s London, through the synthesizer era of the ’80s, the explosion of 1990s Britpop to the countless variations of today – indie pop has swept through the decades and vacuumed every odd bit and piece it found along the way. Inspired by some of the key artists of each era, this collection of EZkeys MIDI takes that very same route and comes out on the other end with a versatile set of song foundations that touch on pop, rock, soul, synth and psychedelia. Start writing!
