<i><b>50 种吉他音色,涵盖从传统爵士乐到现代融合的整个范围。 </b></i>约翰·麦克劳克林、斯坦利·乔丹、艾伦·霍尔兹沃斯、弗兰克·甘贝尔、约翰·斯科菲尔德、帕特·梅特尼。这份名单中有很长的爵士乐和融合吉他手,他们不仅永远在历史上留下了他们独特的声音足迹,而且还催生了几代玩家冒险进入未知的声音领域,通过融合其标志性元素来振兴金属和摇滚等流派——新的语境。事实上,有人可能会争辩说,也许除了布鲁斯之外,爵士乐是对吉他演奏者的整体发展影响最大的一种类型。就像实验是爵士乐和融合的核心一样,这个系列就是为此而设计的。欢迎使用由 50 种独特吉他设置组成的基本音调调色板,所有这些都受到了伟大人物的启发,并专为在任何适用的环境中广泛而无边界地使用而设计。期待任何东西,从用于干净节奏的微妙、圆润和温暖的音调到用于环境和弦工作的开放、效果饱和的设置,以及用于主音吉他任何方面的广泛音色集合。请记住:最终,表达来自内心、灵魂和手指。如果被美妙的音色放大,它可以成为传奇。
50 guitar tones covering the entire range from traditional jazz to modern fusion. John McLaughlin, Stanley Jordan, Allan Holdsworth, Frank Gambale, John Scofield, Pat Metheny. The list is long of jazz and fusion guitar players that not only have forever etched their unique sonic footprints in history but also spawned several generations of players venturing off into uncharted sonic landscapes, rejuvenating genres like metal and rock by fusing its signature elements in all-new contexts. In fact, one could argue that, perhaps with the exception of the blues, jazz is the one genre that has had the biggest impact on the evolution of guitar players on a whole. And much like experimentation is at the heart of both jazz and fusion, this collection is designed for just that. Welcome to a foundational tonal palette of 50 unique guitar settings, all inspired by the greats and designed for a broad and borderless use in any context that applies. Expect anything from subtile, round and warm tones for your clean rhythms to open, effect-saturated settings for ambient chord work as well as a broad collection of tones for any facet of lead guitar. And remember: ultimately, expression comes from heart, soul and fingers. If amplified by great tones, it can become legendary.