New Wave EZkeys MiDi WiN

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受 80 年代占主导地位的新一波合成器驱动流行音乐的启发,钢琴和键盘的变化。虽然起源于 70 年代后期的后朋克 […]



受 80 年代占主导地位的新一波合成器驱动流行音乐的启发,钢琴和键盘的变化。虽然起源于 70 年代后期的后朋克时代,但最终越来越成为 80 年代初期新兴合成器流行场景的代名词,但“新浪潮”一词的全面使用一直受到争论和风格混乱。然而,像 Alphaville、Eurythmics、Depeche Mode、Duran Duran 和其他许多人在许多方面取得了巨大的成功,在许多方面都声称这一流派,使他们的合成器驱动流行音乐成为 80 年代和 90 年代的主要配乐。 受那个时代的伟人的启发,这个 EZkeys MIDI 合集在歌曲创作和旋律的边缘、态度和过度的方法上进行了拾取,这通常归因于该流派。这是 EZkeys MIDI 的完美合集,适合任何想要创作具有不同旋律风格的 80 年代风格流行歌曲的人。非常适合与 EZkeys String Machine、EZkeys Mellotoon、EZkeys Electric Grand 或任何永恒的原声钢琴一起使用。开始实验!
Piano and keyboard variations inspired by the new wave of synth-driven pop predominant in the ’80s. While stemming from the post-punk era of the late ‘70s but eventually becoming more and more synonymous with the budding synth-pop scene of the early ’80s, the catch-all use of the term “new wave” has been subject to debate and stylistic confusion. However, monumental success of acts like Alphaville, Eurythmics, Depeche Mode, Duran Duran and a host of others in many ways claimed the genre, making their synth-driven pop the predominant soundtrack in the ’80s and well into the ‘90s.  Inspired by the greats of the era, this collection of EZkeys MIDI picks up on the edge, the attitude and the over-the-top approach to songwriting and melody often attributed to the genre. This is the perfect collection of EZkeys MIDI for anyone looking to write ‘80s-inspired pop songs that have a different melodic flair. Ideal for use with EZkeys String Machine, EZkeys Mellotoon, EZkeys Electric Grand – or any timeless acoustic piano, for that matter. Start experimenting!
