New York Studios Vol.3 MiDi WiN MAC

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在纽约工作室系列的最后一章中,鼓手 Nir ??Z 以广泛的笔触进行绘画,并提供了一个高度通用的鼓凹槽和填充组 […]



在纽约工作室系列的最后一章中,鼓手 Nir ??Z 以广泛的笔触进行绘画,并提供了一个高度通用的鼓凹槽和填充组合。这个 MIDI 包来自备受期待的 New York Studios Legacy 系列的延续,专注于捕捉纽约地区最好的工作室。 Nir Z 是该项目背后的鼓手,他是一位炙手可热的鼓手,多年来他一直在演奏并学会掌握各种风格。他曾与 Joss Stone、Genesis、John Mayer、Jason Mraz 和 Chris Cornell 等艺术家一起巡演或完成工作室工作。坦率地说,Nir Z 是对一个全面的录音室鼓手的终极定义——这在这个 MIDI 包中很明显!该系列包括各种凹槽和填充,涵盖了从民谣、中速摇滚、放克和雷鬼到爵士摇摆和快节奏节奏的任何内容!适用于 EZdrummer、EZdrummer 2、Superior Drummer 2 和 Superior Drummer 3(针对 1 个底鼓、1 个军鼓、1 个嗵鼓、1 个或 2 个地嗵鼓、2 个镲片、1 个骑乘镲片)。特色聚焦:
? 分类为不同的歌曲
? 每首歌曲的完整介绍/主歌/预合唱/合唱/桥接/填充部分
? 不同风格的民谣/中节奏/快节奏
? 3/4、4/4 和 6/8 的摇摆和/或直线感觉
In the concluding chapter of the New York Studios series, drummer Nir Z paints with broad strokes and delivers a highly versatile battery of drum grooves and fills. This MIDI pack comes from the much anticipated continuation of New York Studios Legacy series, focusing on capturing the best studios in the New York area. Nir Z, the drummer behind the project, is an in-demand session drummer that has played and learned to master a wide variety of styles over the years. He’s toured or done studio work with artists like Joss Stone, Genesis, John Mayer, Jason Mraz and Chris Cornell. Quite frankly, Nir Z is the ultimate definition of a well-rounded studio drummer – something that is obvious in this MIDI pack! This collection includes a wide array of grooves and fills, covering anything from ballads, mid tempo rock, funk and reggae to jazzy swing and uptempo trainbeats!

Works with EZdrummer, EZdrummer 2, Superior Drummer 2 and Superior Drummer 3 (optimized for 1 kick, 1 snare, 1 tom, 1 or 2 floor toms, 2 crash cymbals, 1 ride cymbal).

? Categorized in different songs
? Full intro / verse / pre-chorus / chorus / bridge / fill sections in each song
? Ballad / Midtempo / Uptempo in different styles
? Swing and/or straight feel in 3/4, 4/4 & 6/8
