Shuffles EZkeys MiDi WiN

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广泛的钢琴和键盘演奏风格——所有这些都带有明显的随机播放感觉。多年来,洗牌的律动在无数永恒的歌曲中永垂不朽。然 […]



广泛的钢琴和键盘演奏风格——所有这些都带有明显的随机播放感觉。多年来,洗牌的律动在无数永恒的歌曲中永垂不朽。然而,在更现代的环境中,它已成为 AOR 和融合等流派的代名词,但它几乎可以在任何音乐风格中找到——从传统蓝调到当代流行音乐。这就是 Shuffles EZkeys MIDI 包起飞的地方。它没有精确定位特定的流派,而是完全专注于凹槽。期待 AOR 的复杂性、融合的曲调和技巧以及所有你需要的充满放克的灵魂、摇滚和流行音乐——所有这些都带有明显的随机播放感觉。如果您正在寻找超越任何狭隘风格定义的广泛灵感调色板,那么此系列适合您。动笔!
A broad palette of piano and keyboard playing styles – all with that unmistakable shuffle feel. The shuffled groove has been immortalized in numerous timeless songs over the years. In more modern contexts, though, it’s become somewhat synonymous with genres like AOR and fusion, but it can be found in practically any style of music – from traditional blues to contemporary pop. This is where the Shuffles EZkeys MIDI pack takes off. Rather than pinpointing a specific genre, it focuses entirely on the groove. Expect the sophistication of AOR, the twang and finesse of fusion and all the funk-infused soul, rock and pop you’ll need – all with that unmistakable shuffle feel. If you’re looking for a broad palette of inspiration that transcends any narrow definition of style, this collection is for you. Start writing!
