UK Pop Grooves MiDi WiN

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英国最受欢迎的会话鼓手之一奠定了基础。曾与现代流行历史上一些最著名的艺术家合作,在阿黛尔的“21”等畅销唱片中 […]



英国最受欢迎的会话鼓手之一奠定了基础。曾与现代流行历史上一些最著名的艺术家合作,在阿黛尔的“21”等畅销唱片中演出,录制了 52 张前 20 名专辑,担任英国“好声音”的室内鼓手,登上杂志封面并获得无数奖项,鼓手Ash Soan在过去的几十年里一直是英国流行乐坛镜头下的鼓手。这些凹槽和填充的集合从无数歌曲中汲取灵感,Ash 以基本的基础并将它们融合、扭曲、转动和倾斜,从而产生了广泛的变化调色板。期待广泛的基本但仍然具有创造性的鼓声,所有这些都带有英国风格。当像阿黛尔、罗比·威廉姆斯、雪儿、罗南·基廷和詹姆斯·莫里森这样的明星需要稳固的状态时,他们会打电话给 Ash。下次你这样做的时候,你知道去哪里找。
One of UK’s most in-demand session drummers lays down the groove. Having played with some of the most noted artists in modern pop history, performed on best-selling records like Adele’s “21,” recorded 52 Top 20 albums, resided as the house drummer for UK’s “The Voice,” graced covers of magazines and received numerous awards, session drummer Ash Soan has been the session drummer in the lens view of British pop for the past few decades. This collection of grooves and fills draws inspiration from a myriad of songs, where Ash took the basic foundations and merged, twisted, turned and tilted them to come up with a broad palette of variations. Expect a wide range of fundamental but still inventive drum beats, all with that British twist. When stars like Adele, Robbie Williams, Cher, Ronan Keating and James Morrison need a solid groove, they call Ash. The next time you do, you know where to look.

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